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About Us


Dudley + Raven Goff 

(Founders Israel Food Outreach)

Approaching age 80 at the time, Dudley Goff the founder of Israel Food Outreach, felt the calling of God to do something in his retirement years that would truly bless Israel and through that blessing and evidence of good works, lead non-believing Jews and non-Jews to Jesus Christ.


Turns out there was an organization in California’s Central Valley near Fresno, who's founder Wally Wenge likewise felt a similar calling to bless Israel.


Through  God's divine appointment the two groups met and Dudley learned that Gleanings for the Hungry (a unit of the world renown YWAM - Youth with a Mission ministry) was already feeding many nations throughout the world.


However, not aware of the need prior to 2010, Gleanings had never sent a single container to Israel.  When Dudley asked them if they would like to, they said yes, and that Fall the first container of dried soup mix was on its way.


Sadly, Wally never saw the fulfillment of his dream, because he was called home in 1999, some years before Gleanings and Dudley ever met.


But his dream of blessing Israel did indeed become a reality when Gleanings and Israel Food Outreach teamed up to send dried soup mix to the needy in Israel.


Gleanings for the Hungry provides the soup mix for free, and Israel Food Outreach raises the needed funds to cover the cost of shipping to Israel, plus port costs, VAT taxes, customs fees, etc.

Since starting, this partnership has shipped over 30 Container Loads of Soup, Quilts and Needed Supplies to Israel, providing over 30 million bowls of Delicious and Nourishing soup to her people and ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ at every opportunity. With your help we can do even greater works.

The relationship between Gleanings and IFO continued to build momentum until just before 2020 when the Israeli government made significant changes in their import regulations now requiring all food providers to have ISO certification*

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